Ankh Entertainment and Stones In The Color Of Rare spoke up and out on the Red Carpet with great excitement and enthusiasm for the HMMA Awards honorees at the famed Hollywood Fonda Theater.  Hollywood Music Media Awards has developed an industry reputation in its ability to honor mainstream composers, music supervisors, songwriters technology companies and music legends. This year honorees were more than worthy of their presence in attendance. Some were firmly positioned as Hollywood’s elite. Eric Roberts a mainstay amongst Hollywood creative giants, made his talent felt on the red carpet as a presenter in this, the 5th year of the HMMA.
Stones In The Color Of: Hi:
Kraemer: I wrote the score for Jack Reacher, the Tom Cruise film which is coming out from Paramount this December so, I’m very excited to be here. This is my first nomination and so, it’s a big honor. Stones In The Color Of Rare: It’s nice for people to know that there are people behind the scenes who are really working hard to make these movies and that’s what the HMMA awards is all about. What do you think about that?
Kraemer: Well, I think that’s awesome. I think that the more sort of attention that we can give to people behind the screen, in film making, especially with so much interest in film making today, with film schools, and everything that we can do with computers, young people are so interested in all aspects of film making, and so it’s great to be able to put the spotlight on people behind the scenes. Stones In The Color Of : Talk about the complexity of composing the music for film.  Kraemer: I’m just trying to figure out where to start. I think it’s really fun as a composer to be able to add another layer, to the film. So you might have a scene of two people talking and the conversation is not really about anything and you can add a layer of music and you can make two people lovers, best friends or enemies, just by the music that you put on top of it, and that’s really cool. It’s a fun challenge and it’s really thrilling something and you really make a scene come alive by adding a layer of music to it, that gives it that spark.  Stones In The Color Of Rare: It gives it a nice texture. Kraemer: Yeh, it’s really great. Stones In The Color Of: So how was it scoring for Tom Cruise? Kraemer: He was a huge supporter, which was thrilling to me. He was always behind us a 100%. He backed me with the studio and so we were able to get a ninety piece orchestra, which I got to conduct and a dream come true. It was a fantastic opportunity to do music for a movie the right way. We weren’t compromising on the size or the number of players or quality of players. We had Bruce Botnik recording it, who is one of the great engineers and we have the LA list players, the best string players, piano players, Randy Kerber, the harp player, Johanna. We had the top notch musicians who were available to us to perform the score. It was really fantastic. Kraemer: Inspiration can come in a lot of different ways. You know like, Reacher was based on a book. I didn’t read the book and actually avoided the book, so that I would just score the movie. You know theres some controversy because Tom Cruise is so so different in his appearance from the character of Jack Reacher. He really inhabits the character, so that’s what I approached. I looked at who he was as a character, and trust to make music like that. A certain nobility, a certain roughness, a certain darkness. More of a vigilante a little bit. There are layers to his character that offer opportunities for a composer that were really great and unique. Stones In The Color Of: What can we expect from you in the future? Kraemer: Any chance that I get, I want to get up there and conduct an orchestra, but I love all types of music. I’ve done jazz scores, electronica scores. I love big orchestra scores, like John Williams and the classic stuff by, Bernard Herman and Albert Bernstein. Whenever, I have a chance to conduct and I’m gonna go for that. Stones In The Color Of: Can you say your name clearly and give us your social media information? Kraemer: Joe Kraemer, Kraemer with an e. Facebook, Joe Kraemer. Website is www. and I’m on IMDB. You can look for me under Jack Reacher. The idea that young girls who have had to move through unfortunate circumstances and… In the words of Socrates, "The unexamined life is not worth living.". There are… @osirismunir, @ankhentertainment, @stonesinthecolorofrare, @15minutestheshow When I say Sam, you say Dever, SAM, DEVER, SAM, DEVER. It is very… Well, hell, why don’t we all just line up and ask Jimi what and… Many in this world may be known as a wonder and after meeting, actor,…