Jim Neusom Techno Freud And Digital Drummer

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Hi all of you glittering stones.  This is a fairly new category that we are trying and so we present our first, Tech Funics.  Enter Jim Neusom.  Jim and Ankh go way back.  Jim knew Ankh when Ankh was just a symbol and not an actual reality.  We were just a thought and we had an idea that we could get behind and believe in.

We literally owe all of our team’s technical savvy to Jim Neusom, who we affectionately call, “The Digital Drummer.”  We like to call him friends of the staff and Hucklegenius.  Did you know that the Digital Drummer has been beating his drum every since the 70’s.  We believe that he was the first techno Freudian to be born in a CLOUD.  Being the first ever African-American male to host and produce a National Urban Tech Fair, stream a million men on line and lay down threads of optics is a phenomenal feat in and of itself.  Jim was the first to gather a handful of local residents on Fairfax and Slauson here in Los Angeles for community support to in watching the first neighborhood introduction to an HD television.  You heard right,  and you think you know oh bright ones about technology, the digital drummer put the S in silicon.  Jim’s  mind was laid out in tech cellulars a long time ago.  His knowledge of cyberspace stretches out thousands of years. In earth time, that would compare to the the speed of light.  We wanted to list some notes on Jim, also known as James Neusom.  www.jamesneusom.com.

Digital Drummer Jim Neusom.

Neusom serves as a member on the California State Broadband Consortium Of Public Securities.  That sounds deep and humbling at the same time.  For why, you ask, because we are at the mercy of technology, use it or lose it.  Jim doesn’t have the time to eat a whole lot, but how can he when he is literally on the ground, laying down streams of fiber, which operates upon a system of  the most delicate of connections. Most days he and his newly painted truck colored Blue, can be seen en route to a particular destination. He has a small but effective crew who as a team have to face strong winds that can knock out cable and satellite grids, flying sand and often community misbehavior all conditions that could become problematic in the world of digital means.  Leimert Park a historical Los Angles area that is presently  in development, thinks he is really Moses clothed in tan khakis and a T-shirt, who has come down off his digital mountain to lay some dope wisdom on us. www.leimertvision.com.  In the layout of Manchester’s six mile of fiber optic network www.manchesterone.com, his genius is so beyond our comprehension that all we can do is throw our hands up, and hope that we get picked to get the first lesson, in technique and know how.  Our final destination has written proof that they were visited by the Digital Drummer because they found a long link via pico.  www.viapico.com.  Talk about nerd masters from another time, this dude is a heavyweight.  Now try and keep up.  Meanwhile, you can hear this digital drummer beating out his techno codes at www.jamesneusom.com. Linked In, Facebook and Twitter. You may find him underneath the tip of a roof trimming the last of a very long fiber loop that’s wired to connect everywhere.

Good morning All…smile This is an old post, but I think it is a good conversation starter….How many in BIT/BDPA Los Angeles have…Cut The Cord???Why do we need an #UrbanTechFair –  Digital Disruption! How long can TV last in the face of mobile connected devices such as iPad? Experts say 5 yearshttp://read.bi/uu16Nq
The Death of Television May Be Just 5 Years Away »
Say hello to the “cord-nevers”: Only 17% of new households sign up for TV.

Alright peeps, send some feedback our way and let us know what you think.

Did you have fun?

We see you nodding your head, uh, yehh.

Now don’t be shy, and glisten up so that I can see you, ah’ haaaa,  there you are.


Osiris Munir is a dynamic and powerful force who lives on earth as an author, photojournalist, intuitive abstract expressionist painter, and entertainment personality.

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