Stephen Vittoria Walks The Long Distance And Revolutionary Journey With Mumia Abu-Jamal


Mumia poster Laemmle Theater opening night
Mumia premier Laemmle Theater, Beverly Hills, CA
producers Noelle Hanrahan, Katyana Farzanhad, actor Saro Solis ( appears in doc) director Stephen Vitorria






Director Stephen Vittoria’s,  “Long Distance Revolutionary, A Journey With Mumia Abu-Jamal,” once again, sheds light on an age old question, when will Abu come home?   Along with a heartfelt family of producers, Noelle Hanrahan and Katyana Farzanrad, Stephen’s documentary dispels all illusions pertaining to the incidents that happened during the time of Abu-Jamal’s trial and conviction.  Long Distance Revolutionary, compels us to ask, have things changed, is it possible to correct racial atrocities of the past?  Each scene displays a crucial element of horror and devastation that would challenge even the faintest part of nature herself.  We witness, in living color, the greed and competitiveness of man on man.  These horrendous acts are forever etched in the memory of those who lived it, who survived it and who have been scarred by it.  www.MUMIA-THE MOVIE.COM.  Vittoria shares with us, vivid scenes of  Abu’s strong and faithful supporters  like activists Angela Davis, Alice Walker, Ruby Dee, Dr. Cornel West, Danny Glover, Peter Coyote, Giancarlo Esposito and Rubin-Hurricane Carter, which were delivered with colorful images that seem to speak out from the screen in griot style.  Amy Goodman’s, Democracy Now, really took a few big hits when they attempted to run a full segment on Mumia.   As Amy told it, the plugs were pulled minutes before they were to go on air with Mumia’s broadcast.   [youtuber youtube=’’] Mumia’s story gives a gripping and truthful insight into the state of sterile hearts covered by blue fabric and gold badges and who although adept in their execution of the law, lacked the talent and training to be called humanitarians.  Mumia’s story could be listed as mandatory study for universities, given the fact that it covers the experience of a species known as mankind.  

Solid facts and in some cases figures outweigh any sort of claim to made up storytelling.  The proof can be heard through voices and seen in captured images of social deviates, caught live on camera, while portraying animalistic conditions, in honor of the law.

audience for Mumia documentary

Truth presents itself behind a mask of attempted change.  Volumes of support filter largely pictorial and spoken words of activists, supporters, do-gooders and just plain ole Americans for justice.

Eyewitnesses who were not called to testify in 1982 have come forward. They say Mumia Abu-Jamal was not the shooter. Eyewitness Veronica Jones says police

Marquee Mumia documentary Beverly Hills, CA

threatened to jail her if she testified. Other witnesses, who testified against Abu-Jamal in the original trial, have changed their stories, saying police threatened and intimidated them.  To donate to the free Mumia movement and to write a letter to Mumia, please visit

Vittoria is the founder and director of two Southern California Production companies, namely, Street Legal Cinema and Deep Image.   He is based in Los Angeles.

This has been another Ankh Entertainment, Stones In The Color Of Rare productions.

Come on brilliant stones let me see you glisten, aaaawww, there you are.




Osiris Munir is a dynamic and powerful force who lives on earth as an author, photojournalist, intuitive abstract expressionist painter, and entertainment personality.

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