[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sI6OYxiR5A’] Ankh Entertainment, Stones In The Color of Rare and the Culver City News, had a chance to get a little hang time with, Meet The Media panel presented by the HPRA, Hispanic Public Relations Association. The event was held at the Hollywood based, Los Angeles Press Club. The panel was a breath of fresh air, staying away from the traditions of Hispanic Media, and focusing more on merging traditional and social media platforms. Moderator Rolando Nichols, Network News Anchor for Mundo Fox, managed to create a great flow of conversation between panelists, while each presented a personalized, yet professional take on where their diverse community stood amongst, what we call, they, “The Corporates”. Corporate America, is now gradually being challenged by a much broader world than than the familiar one of Black and White. The Corporates, come in all shapes and sizes while they live amongst the hills, valleys and annals of America’s monetary system. The media and it’s newest face, named appropriately social media, has now delved into language and culture attempting to broaden a very necessary landscape of ready made content.  [youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgeekn9cO7U’]Â
For more information on how to become a member of the HPRA please reference www.HPRA-USA.org.  Contact panel members at the following: Rolando Nichols-MundoFOX @MundoFOX, Yurina Melara Valiulis, La Opinion @ YurinaMelara, E.J. Tamara-AP @EJTamara, Hector Becerra-Los Angeles Times @hbecerraLATimes, Humberto Guida-American Latino TV & LatiNation @ humbertoguida, Jason Barquero-Univision34.com @jaybarquero and dlopez@ARAS-inc.com.
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