Ankh Entertainment, Stones In The Color Of Rare, wanted to share this rare photo footage of the pictorial collectionthe life of 88 year old Ukraine genocide survivor, who lived through the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Her highly acclaimed book, One Woman, Five Lives, Five Countries is a compelling account of a lifetime of survival under the worst conditions. A story made for Hollywood.
[youtuber youtube=’’] The idea that young girls who have had to move through unfortunate circumstances and… In the words of Socrates, "The unexamined life is not worth living.". There are… @osirismunir, @ankhentertainment, @stonesinthecolorofrare, @15minutestheshow When I say Sam, you say Dever, SAM, DEVER, SAM, DEVER. It is very… Well, hell, why don’t we all just line up and ask Jimi what and… Many in this world may be known as a wonder and after meeting, actor,…