[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0YR9RmQsxQ’]The “JAR” (Jesus Art Revolution) painting and crafts showing was Produced by Jay’sen Olson, a musician, painter, gallery owner and Christian art activist.[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMukhRLP2Mc’]
“JAR”, was created in order to give local Christian artists a place to have residence and a place for them to show their work. “JAR”, is open to anyone regardless of faith and is planned for various venues, that will give support to “JAR’s” emerging artists and all others seeking a place to express their, faith based artwork. The event was hel
d at a venue in Echo Park, a New York, San Francisco, type area located on the East side of
Hollywood, near downtown, Los Angeles.  Jay’sen spoke to our cameras in a candid however
, sensitive manner, mentioning an odd dilema regarding the marketing and promotion of art. In this case, art that is created, produced and sold by Christians. Although open to artists of all faiths, Christians in particular seem to have some challenges.[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0LDhwamYpU’] One challenge is being an artist expressing through a faith based filter and to be accepted by liberal gallery owners and curators. The other lingering issue for a project named “JAR” is the problem of having artists who are not of Christian faith, come a be a part of “JAR”.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWn8WN4Lg3I’]Most people that we meet at “JAR” whose image might strike a familiar image that seems like a page out of Andy Warhol’s paint book.