Good Vibrations is More Than a Notion, It’s a Way of Life

Maxie Solters, is not just your local home girl, she is woman’s best friend, and can most recently be seen as sex therapist, Sarah Dickmann, in her new show, “Good Vibrations”. Maxie is a strong willed and rambunctious individual, who is hell bent on helping us all learn the art of how to make ourselves feel good. Her involvement with V-Day and Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Monologues,” gave her the  momentum to create, produce and star, in the web-based series. As Sarah Dickmann, Maxie uses a few tricks outside of the usual, to insure that her clients reach the ultimate gasm. Solters’ interest in sex and sexuality, peaked since she became a dedicated supporter for survivors through her work with, “TheVagina Monologues.”  The monologue concept developed as a means to raise awareness, educate, and empower. The V in V-Day, stands for victory, valentine, and vagina. That’s right, I said it, V.a.g.i.n.a. Each year V-Day celebrates in over 250 national productions and occurs yearly, until the violence against women, ceases to exist. Wo-man, the mythical creature that at times, can drive men to an un-timely death are often not on the receiving end of sexual gratification. Dickmann, insures that this non-gratification does not happen in her clinic. The soon to be network show, ”Good Vibrations”, centers on Sarah’s willingness to consult her diverse group of clients on sexuality. How to make sex toys call your name and how to bring about self-pleasure. Maxie seems to have the gift to gab, the tenacious will to be, and the incredible talent to talk about sex, and make it comfortable. Through a series of liberating moments, “Good Vibrations” does seem to explain some basic truths about sex. Solters speaks boldly about the subject and why it should be as easy as discussing what tomorrow night’s menu might be. In an attempt to get clients to talk openly and honestly about their sexual appetites or lack thereof, Sarah becomes the go to for late night pillow talk. Her out of the box methods used to demonstrate the how twos of doing it, will certainly make you laugh and think about why the subject of sex is such a taboo. A huge boost to the male and female ego, “Good Vibrations” exposes transpersonal situations between, genders, women, and men who want to know how to get it off. Enquiring minds would like to know how to thoroughly, blow their whistle, and breathe, aw, ah. The show spiced with information not easily read between the lines shares a commonality with historical facts, and that is all mammals seek out their own kind to mate and make whoopee. Earth is home to an ever-expansive base of life forms buzzing with sexuality. Whenever, however and wherever, we can get it, we get. Even with life-threatening conditions like Aids and STD’s, we all still seek out sex, want it, and in fact need it for balance in our daily lives. National Geo recently aired a documentary on the “Bonobo” The “Bonobo, “share 98.6% of their DNA with humans and manage conflict within their lifestyle by having frequent sex unlike their primate cousins, the Chimpanzees. “The range of activities includes mouth-to-mouth kissing, oral sex, genital caressing by hand, penis-fencing by two males, male-on-male mounting, and genito-genital rubbing by two estrous females, who smoosh their swollen vulvas back and forth against each other in a spate of feverish sisterly cordiality. Usually there’s no orgasm culminating these activities,” said David Quammen in an essay for the magazine. Reference: The Wild Life of a Bonobo National Geographic Magazine


Unlike our species, the focus is not so much on lust but rather a safe and effective measure to promote common good. Sex calms agitation, makes for pleasant greeting, promotes bonding, establishes the act of reconciliation, and harnesses food sharing; creating an infrastructure of harmony and good social standing amongst the group. There are no PTSD’s or manmade stresses in this natural setting. Although, “Good Vibrations”, is just in its first test run series, the shows content is attracting product service lines who sell an enormous amount of feel goods to consumers. Maxie has to stay under the radar about giving the entire rundown of the show until the green light is on go and potential sponsors are hitting the, “I like it” button. Meanwhile, if you want check out Maxie Solter’s, “Good Vibrations,”, you can click onto the links below.,(@maxiesolters),   So,wherever you are at present, the enxt time, you’re out for brakfast, don’t forget to enjoy a morning bowl of “Good Vibrations.”


Osiris Munir is a dynamic and powerful force who lives on earth as an author, photojournalist, intuitive abstract expressionist painter, and entertainment personality.

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