If ever a presence felt in a house, then that surely is the case in the house, called, The World Stage. Located in the
heart of Leimert Park Village, the 25-year-old venue stands as testament to the longevity and endurance, of a singular community. In this 2014 celebration, the stage supports local talent worthy of the Bowl, Greek and a host of other admirable amphitheaters. Holding only 45 seats the World Stage has taken on presenting the largest ever, tribute to the legacy and spirit of highly acclaimed and known the world over, drummer, vocalist and humanitarian, Billy Higgins. This Sunday, August 24th at 6:00PM, the Ford Amphitheatre along with the spirit of Billy and his global group of devotees, are to host a full honoring of this well-loved and happy spirited man. Through the mouth and voices of Carmen Lundy, Kamau Daood, Jaha Zainabu, SHINE Muwasi Music Ensemble, Kamasi Washington, Patrice Rushen, and Hubert Laws, just to get your musical palette hyped, Higgins drum sound, and rhythm of life will be heard. In the lush landscape of the Anson Ford, the planetary list of attendees can plan for a few can’t leave your seat, cause, you might miss it, performances that will leave one enchanted by the sheer and elegant ambiance of the evening. The World Stage is the legacy that Higgins left, to the care of board members, and one in particular, Executive Director, magnificent vocalist and friend, Dwight Trible. As I left my body somewhat upon hearing Trible’s deep and resonating voice, I couldn’t help but feel that as Trible said,” Higgins and all of them are here with me.“ Sitting in that room, inside the World Stage, the soulful heat of building up to the show, was expressed. Even sitting on the stage in seats, smaller than I, made for a luxurious classroom of historic figures and sounds of sages, who seemed to speak, from their frozen in time, and framed existence.
The likes of Horace Tapscott, Jack DeJohnette, Coltrane, and the like, lay against white walls, waiting to have themselves,
activated upon command. Such a fine community and sanctuary for the under-privileged, the unloved and under-appreciated musical stars of the future. The World Stage, is lifted and bows in reverence by this tribute. This place, a dot on twitter and google plus, had now stretched its shoulders, relaxed itself and with a smile gave birth to the young ones, the new codec . Dwight Trible talked about support from sponsors, Amoeba Music, LACMA, media outlets, and most of all, Stephanie Levine at KJAZZ. “Stephanie stepped up and asked how can i help,” Trible said. The illustrious group of talented upcomers, influenced by the viral spread of the sounds of music, stood in requiem for Jazz, and its legends. Music, and sound, are a perfect weekly menu, all set to the taste of a hunger to learn, to know to give and to bring it back to home on a daily and weekly basis. This is what Higgins and co-founder resounding vocalized spoken word artist, Kamau Daood, lay down in 1989, as a foundation at this under estimated and yet to be defined place of honor. What if they,the children, take it to a higher place than it already is? Dwight felt confident in his thinking that, because of Higgins teachings, there is no need to worry because Jazz, is safe and in good, hands. With a plethora of community- based celebrities, like iconic vocal trainer, Howlett Smith and the whip cracker, “the jazz kat” Leroy Downs, “Trible says with a brotherly type laugh, there is without a doubt, nothing to worry about.
Downs producer and host of the 25th Amphitheater celebration also serves as President of MMLA (Make Music Los Angeles) named after the “fete de la musique of Paris,” and held yearly on the 21stof June, on the summer solstice worldwide.
The World Stage provides public programs like the Anansi writers workshop, jazz workshops, drum workshops, music and literature, master classes, jam sessions, women’s African drum classes and concerts and more. Readings and rehearsals are intermixed with talented, musicians, storytellers, poets, and writers. Billy Higgins lives and is alive and well at the world stage. His entity lies in the deep wells of its rooms, welcomes its students at the door, and offers console and wisdom to the weary at heart. He forever gleans Kamau Daood, Dwight Trible, and all who are touched by him. They are his time keeping, his voice that smiled even when silent, and above all his expressive and eternal love of music. For more information on The World Stage, and the Sunday, August 24th at 6:00PM, Ford Amphitheater’s Billy Higgins 25th Anniversary Celebration, please visit www.theworldstage.org, www.jazzandblues.org The World Stage, 4344 Degnan Place, Los Angeles, CA 90008 The Ford Amphitheater 2580 Cahuenga Bjvd.E. Los Angeles, CA 90068 www.fordamphitheater.org