osiris munir

While Buckets of Rain Fell From the Sky NAMM 2017 Kept Doors Open and Long Lines Going


In the midst of staged performances, merchants and the outside traffic, there standing tall, was NAMM 2017. Although dark and thunderous clouds appeared  and eventually brought down a much needed drenching upon Southern California, scheduled performances beginning promptly on January 19 and set to end on January 22, continued.  As the rain progressed in its intensity, NAMM had already seen two days of gorgeous yet cold weather stemming from a previous rain storm gifted to the area naturally, the weekend before.

For those of you, who have never experienced NAMM, it is the Grammy’s of music merchandisers, artists, buyers and music industry experts.  A product based, buyer seller event NAMM seeks to merge tradition and TEC together as a means to support the art of music. This year’s event offered advanced global TEC education, the latest in sound boosters that were energy, space and time efficient and the traditional attendees and merchant participants, who have supported NAMM since its humble beginnings. Satisfying the basic and beyond needs of the music industry community NAMM proved that it can use its own wings to fly.

Booths private or not were ravaged and overtaken by buyers, those trying out the latest in the world of the newest toys that that portrayed themselves, in the form of guitars, saxophones, pianos, bass guitars and upright bass, a pleather of stringed instruments, amplifiers, electronic mechanisms, blocks, percussion and, anything and everything that the taste of music and sound lovers could handle.

Interestingly enough were the number of children who attended NAMM 2017. There were those aspiring to be the next great artist and those who after walking the width of the Anaheim Convention Center were looked up at parents as if to say, “May I have a permanent seat and my pods please”.  Their pain, if any was eased and after a few days taken away by the smell and taste of a variety of fast foods.

15Minutes had the wonderful pleasure of hanging with the legendary, Lisa S. Johnson of 108 Rock Star Guitars, who spoke with fervency about the how she came to photograph guitars of rock legends, photograph and specially prepare backgrounds for four of the legendary King, Jimi Hendrix, whose presence can always be felt although he is no longer physically with us. How she became a self-made cultural icon and Yogi after moving to India and gaining knowledge of her spiritual self, and meeting several psychics who predicted her publishing her first book and the publishing of others. Lisa is working on her second book due out in 2018.

The happy to rock you with the latest in ear-technology ROLIBLOCKS, Manon Dave, Dready and FKi1st of ROLI, who we filmed in blue and finally artist, percussionist, 22 year old Hayley Brownell who attended NAMM as artist manager endorsed by TRX Cymbals.  We found out that Hayley has played drums for 14 of her young 22 years.


We photographed and got on camera, the “can play her but off”, Jennifer Batten, who by the way performed live at the FISHMAN booth.

Just a few feet away there were live performances featuring notorious legends themselves, always passing down sweet sounds on percussion and born to beat, artist, Poncho Sanchez and the infamous singer, songwriter and blues guitarist, Keb Mo, were featured guest amongst others.

Later that evening we  ran into Keb’ Mo who had performed early on in the NAMM show schedule. He thrilled us with his presence gave a quick hello, a few soul filled minutes of conversation and then off he went.

It is always a pleasure to see anything regarding John Lennon and his Educational Tour Bus. In its 20th year and partnered with The NAMM Foundation, their presentation featured an R&B treasure, Ronnie Spector and The Ronettes, fueled by an introduction given by an industry favorite, musician, songwriter and artist, Jackson Browne as a part of The Lennon Bus 20th anniversary celebration.

The 2017 She Rocks Awards hosted by the Women’s International Music Network aka (WiMN) and lead sponsor came with much needed information, along with audio specialist Neumann Berlin who with their global studio presence held a special panel discussion on women artists entitled, “Women in the Music Industry Sound Off”.  Sennheiser announced their support of women in audio with sponsorship of, She Rocks Awards and the NAMM U session.  The awards pay tribute to women who have sustained, maintained, motivated and shown the highest levels of leadership qualities whilst broadly sharing their talent through a wide lens within the music industry. There are 12 awards presented to those selected. Some of entertainment music’s finest received an award, including the lovely Grammy award winner, bass player, singer/songwriter, Esperanza Spaulding and Lita Ford, both greatly respected in the world of esteemed vocalist, performers and songwriters.

Panelists such as Karrie Keyes of SoundGirls.org and Engineer for Pearl Jam, Dawn Birr, Commercial Manager, Audio Recording Sennheiser and WiMN founder Laura B. Whitmore distinguished in the field of audio and recording were on hand to lend their expertise and wise counsel, who sat in arranged and comfortable seating. For more on the She Rocks awards ceremony, visit their website www.sherocksawards.com.

At the end of the meritorious event and after the rain had come and gone NAMM lived on.  As long as musicians, artists and the people who love to hear and see them, NAMM will be there to connect, reconnect and form partnerships and relationships that could very well last for a lifetime.

For information on NAMM 2018: check out their site www.NAMM.ORG./THENAMMSHOW.

All photos and videos provided courtesy of:

© osirismunir 2017



Osiris Munir is a dynamic and powerful force who lives on earth as an author, photojournalist, intuitive abstract expressionist painter, and entertainment personality.

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