In, 2018 the world of magic got a dose of Kendrick Ice McDonald the first African American President of S.A.M. (the Society of American Magicians) things have not been quite the same. Starting in 1902, the post was formerly held by its very first president, Harry Houdini over 115 years ago who sat in as president from 1902 until his death in 1926). With many years of study and practice beginning at age ten (10) the magic man began his path towards greatness in the field. Kendrick embodies the classic qualities which make for a fine human being and magician. He is a master at his craft. He is humble in his presence although an award-winning international star. His keeper of grand illusions and cool demeanor garnered him the nickname, “The Magical Phenomenon”. His sold-out performances and shattering box office records have not changed his ferocious thirst for education, Christian fellowship and the sharing of his love of magic; yet he holds a simple approach to life. All great magicians can agree that math and timing are crucial in performing the art of creating illusion. We can understand math and Magic tricks with algebraic reasoning. Demystifying a math magic trick can help students appreciate the greater “magic” and utility of algebra, number properties, and patterns, driven by their own need to know.

His pursuit of life and living with the ins and outs of magic on the daily is addictive and his fans all over the world from London, Wales, India, Singapore, Jamaica, Japan, Canada, Bahamas, United Kingdom and throughout the USA share that same addiction. Appearing on television shows such as Comedy Central’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Roland Martin News One Now, (Masters of Illusion Fox TV series) Masters of Illusion International (France) and the documentary. “The Art and Soul of Magic-The Story of America’s Black Magician. Kendrick is the ultimate professional and holds strong in his faith of Christianity. He is a member of the Christian Magicians Fellowship which teaches how to present yourself to the world whilst being true to one’s inner identity.
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and many others have held audiences captivated with McDonald’s appearance on their covers. With, a special set of illusions designed to thrill audiences it’s no wonder that national and international magazines like the Linking Ring (3 times) and M.U.M (2 times) which are two of the world’s largest magic publications). Magic, Genii and international magazines, Vanish and Magicana of New Zealand are just a few amongst the prestigious interviews that McDonald has had.
Entertainer of the Year came twice for Kendrick in citations given by the two largest magic organizations in the world and the highest honor that one can receive. Holding a “Doctorate in the Art of Magic”, Ice received the “Medal for Excellence”, from Commander Lt. Colonel Trent E. Pickering of the US Armed Forces, the only US representative in the Kerala, India’s “Festival of Global Magic”, to receive the “Performers Trophy of Honor”. His inclusion in the history book, “Magical Heroes”, “The Lives and Legends of Great African American-American Magicians and “Ethnoacademics Fractions in Africa” is honorable. Upon hearing of Kendrick’s illustrious performances, Ohio educator and author, Cynthia Jackson Howard approached him to help with a group of students that were having difficulty understanding math. He could help them apply magic to math and have fun while they learn.

The term ‘ethno’ refers to the components that make up a cultural identity of people – food, style of dress, values and more. The term ‘academics’ refers to the activities of schools. The combination of the two, says Howard, is an important missing part in the education of black males. Reference by Google. Book, Ethnoacademics by author Cynthia Jackson Howard.
Kendrick “Ice” McDonald is loved respected and admired the world over. He is especially sensitive to the plight of black magicians and is an in-demand lecturer, inspirational speaker and has crafted programs designed to inspire and educate.
“Rethink”, “Dove Wisdom”, “Ice Live” and “Ice Live on Marketing and Promotion” and “Show Know Nos” are just a few.
He is an accredited author with a top seller, “BORN FOR THIS-Destiny Authenticated, which tells the story of how he became Kendrick “Ice” McDonald the famed magician. He has produced and directed several documentary films one entitled, “Quiet Masters”-The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist”. which highlights the black magician experience and has organized a group of multi-cultural experts in the field to address race and creed as it applies to the awe inspiriting career in magic.
The art of magic, like its lover mate math is intriguing and arouses every possible aspect of our human senses and Master magician, Ice McDonald delivers like non-other. He is an incredible advisory to magicians on the rise. He thinks deeply about the state of magicdom and how to keep it good while also making it better.
They call the man “Ice” with reason. His approach to life is calm, easy and intelligent. He brings a formidable array of coolness and don’t, we all love to chill.
For more information on Kendrick” Ice” McDonald and his world of an extraordinary world of magic visit,