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And so here we are smack dab in the middle of what appears to be a race war and holding in second position yet running neck to neck, the world’s yet to be conquered and bosom buddy, Covid 19.  The reason that I say appears to be is because the real war is the age-old fight between good and evil, the dark and the light and what’s right or what’s wrong.  What we are witnessing is the dawning of the new age, the age of Aquarius.  As technology soars to ever greater heights are we also soaring or are we spiraling downward faster than a droplet of spit when it comes flying out of someone’s mouth.  With the recent incident of George Perry Floyd, Jr. quickly descending it is certain that many of us are unsure of what will be left of the old world. How long will the races attempt to be kind to each other, or will there be more blood? An even bigger question would be should there be more blood? Pluto Lord of the Underworld’s return to its delegated spot it’s a wonder if the lot of us haven’t lost our minds.  Let me lay some truth on you about a Pluto return. According to Astrology the language of the heavens and the greatest mathematical puzzle ever fully manifested, Pluto cycles around the Sun every 247 years. The USA’s birthday is July 4, 1776 and she will have her splendid homecoming at age 247 on this year, July 4, 2020. Pluto started its return around February 2019 and will have a complete cycle return in January 2025. Most humans unless the planet earth regenerates us according to our will, will not live long enough to see a first Pluto return however a city, country or state could.  Anything done undercover, Pluto will expose. Any unresolved issues left unsolved; Pluto will resolve them.  We have been met time after time with the opportunity to change, yet we have done nothing. Pluto/Pluto conjunction will slow us down so that we can gain clarity and get a good look at just who we are. It partners us with our own ego and various arrogances and then ask us to interact with those darkest parts of self that we sometimes are unable to see.  The surge in technology and the ever-faster speed of the internet has done little to nothing to develop our humanity.  What took days, months and in some remote parts of the world years now takes only seconds for anyone and everyone who ones a smart phone, tablet or computer. We have choices and can take the appropriate actions if we want to.  There are no more hidden worlds unless of course they are underground.  The only thing hidden is us from ourselves.

Interesting fact to note is that the Sun Sign of the US is in the sign of Cancer, Cancer is moon ruled and represents the archetypal principle of mother, woman and all things feminine. It protects, nurtures and gives way to beguiling levels of intuition unmatched by none other.  The moon in the natal chart allows us to express how we give and receive nurturing. The US being one of the largest countries in the world has been mother to many smaller nations who have now come of age and are all grown up.

In the late sixties around 1968 there were rumblings and disturbances of something not settled. Something not resolved. Something not right.  We swept it under the rug and ignored it.  It gave rise to the Black Panthers, featuring, Dr. Angela Davis, Kathleen and Eldridge Cleaver, Huey P. Newton, Fred Hampton, Ericka Huggins, Bobby Seale, Barbara Easley and Elaine Brown.  Revolutionist, Stokely Carmichael coined the phrase, “Black Power” and garnered us the Pan African Movement. Jamil Abdullah Al-Amir formerly known as H. Rap Brown formed a short-lived alliance with the Black Panther Party serving as their Minister of Justice and was the fifth chairman to serve the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Brown is now serving a life-sentence for the killing of a Fulton County Sheriff’s Deputy. Brown claims that his constitutional rights were violated, I am sure that they were.  The Watts Riots mirrored descension and unrest.  The Cuban Missile Crisis in 62 handed over on a plate the volatile confrontation held between the Soviet Union during the Cold War.  So much to the point that it put us in the direct line of fire and nearly caused a nuclear war. The African Liberation Movement which included the anti-colonial and anti-imperial alliance between Africans and Black Americans.  The movement spawned, The Algerian War for Independence, the Mau Mau revolt in Kenya, and the independence of Ghana impressing black high school and college students of the time.  And what the hell was the launching of the unnecessary Vietnam Era War supposed to be about? It was certainly nor about humanity or anything that had to do with the progress of the human species.  So would we involve ourselves

We have become so accustomed to having it our way that our way has driven us to the brink of extinction. We have come to think that not only are we invincible but that we govern all transient and intransient beings.  We disregard our lives and the lives of others. We take life for granted and cheapen it by our disregard of it. We glorify demonic forces and influences and downplay the actions of those who stand for truth. We worship material and the world from which it springs. Simply put, we just don’t give a fuck. Then again from a rather different perspective, Pluto the Lord of the Underworld and great leveler will expose, transform and move forward. It takes no hostages and will level a playing field in the blink of an eye. From the ashes a powerful force of no measure will be revealed, and all will be enlightened.  We are under the influence of a Pluto return a brilliant and profound combination of disaster and redemption.  Those who refuse to change and hold onto to old world ideas and behavior will me met with fierce competition by Pluto.  Fears of a world changing quicker than what we all expected imprisonment, death and in some cases illness. The other side of death is always rebirth. Who and what are we to become? Are we to find ourselves new, refreshed and filled with a hopeful future or a group of has been whose own arrogance cause them to self-destruct?  The solidarity of the common good not the individual is a difference that only time can bring about and not without opposition.

When we say #blacklivesmatter what is it that we truly mean; what are we really trying to say? That we need special attention. That your brothers and sisters are tired and just want to be left alone. Are we really that shallow or will we rise from the ashes ever more brilliant? Are we at the beginning of the end or is the end of what we just started?  Doesn’t matter who the current administration is as much as it matters who we are and what we stand for.

Perhaps aliens will come to rescue us and life will continue on a grander scale or we will all burn baby burn, what I do know is that if Freddy Krueger comes into our dreams his intent would be to help us to remember our childhood and the child within us. When times were happy, and life was full of awe and death was something announced on the evening news at 11 not every five minutes on NBC.  Perhaps when Pluto is finished with us, we will all have transformed and won’t need any more catastrophic events or pandemics to help us grow. 


Osiris Munir is a dynamic and powerful force who lives on earth as an author, photojournalist, intuitive abstract expressionist painter, and entertainment personality.

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