When you say the name Dr. Maxine Bryant lights come on, bells ring and court is called in session. With a background in the construction of human services armed with a serious focus in criminology and corrections it’s no wonder her talented set of skills are the subject of conversation in any circle where learning and education are alive and well. Dr. Bryant seems to know all with respect to the law and its defined and undefined set of rules, codes and regulations. Her degrees include a Bachelor of Science Bell University, Master of Arts Saginaw State University and PHD in the Philosophy and Development of Human Services from Walden University. As some of you out there may or not know Criminology might not be the easiest subject matter to deal with although Dr. Bryant makes it look far too easy. The differences in social class including celebrities and public figures and how the system treats then is a subject of inexhaustible proportion. Cases like cooking talk show host Martha Stewart and others like her are considered white collar crimes and do not carry the same severity in the law as does hideous crimes.
Criminals mean serious business and as she said, their atrocities are glaring, and they do go to prison for hideous crimes. Public figures no matter are treated with much more respect because of money and status. Bail is affordable and often filters are in place. No time in jail is required and no waiting for a court case to come up. Poor people have to often spend time in jail while waiting for their case to come up because they can’t post bail and Dr. Bryant says by the time they get the $200-$400 bail needed they have already spent several years in jail. She cited a case wherein a young African American male barely in his mid-twenties who she says gets the low end of the stick was arrested and spent three years in jail for stealing a backpack. Can you imagine a backpack? What a waste of taxpayer’s monies. Because his mother was never able to get the bail needed and the young man had been so poorly treated at Riker, he committed suicide. When one has money there is no jail time because a posted bail is immediate. The attorneys are paid and of a higher quality of service than a public defender who serve those unable to afford the cost. In the United States Dr. Bryant takes note that in court one is not found guilty or innocent. One is found guilty or not guilty. It becomes a case of whomever the representative having the power to present your case better. Anyone who can afford a private attorney is going to get better representation in court.
Dr. Bryant and others like her have their work cut out for them as it is a long road to case assignment, management, beginning of case and follow-up afterwards. In 1980 Dr. Bryant’s started a BEST (Bryant Educational Seminars & Training) program is designed to address those same issues that we all face and suffer from time to time, on occasion and hopefully not too often when we find ourselves, family member, close friend, associate and perhaps a complete stranger in the way of danger and or unfortunate circumstances. Her in depth teachings and personal instruction provide mental nourishment and options that give real life solutions to families, organizations and individuals in need of. The BEST program affords newly released prisoners a safety net allowing for a smoother reintegration into the work force and other parts of the community. Dr. Bryant heavily acknowledges the role of the Black Church and its ability to assist her BEST program in meeting its goals in reformation and re-integration for all released prisoners.
She is currently the Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and the Interim Assistant Director of the Africana Center at Georgia Southern University a published author of three books and the recipient of many awards and accreditations. A winner of the 2000 Notable Women and listed in the Marquis Who’s Who Midwest and International Who’s Who’s of Professionals.
Dr. Maxine Bryant is a treasured and humble servant of society motivated by her basic religious, philosophical beliefs and her undaunting courage. Her delivery and presentation of a commonsense approach to life’s liberties and sensitivity to people gives her the clarity of vision necessary to parent daughter Dr. Khaliah Shabazz, deceased daughter Mayosha Martin-Bryant, son Jonathan and those in need of a solid and hopeful representation in a not so equal criminal justice system.
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