HMMA’s Founder and Executive Producer Brent Harvey takes pride in his experience of 40 decades in the industry. Harvey at age 15 started like most creatives, in his hometown of Anchorage by getting involved in the local community music scene. He was brave enough to produce his own type of Woodstock called “The Second Annual People’s Festival”, right there in Alaska. Getting noticed by a local band he went on tour which led him to Canada and other parts of the Western United States. Landing in Redondo Beach, California his skills as a DJ were rather mind bending and those in position to make something happen put Harvey in charge of entertainment and talent booking. Next thing up Harvey was elected to be the Entertainment Director for the Red Onion in Redondo Beach and it was there that his story began. His talent negotiation and eye for good talent put him directly in the spotlight for booking not just for one Red Onion but for all 17 of them planted selectively thorough out the USA. No stranger to hard work the HMMA founder uses heart and character to keep his world moving and to attract those likeminded spirits in and around the entertainment business.
KBH Entertainment Talent Agency also founded by Harvey makes good use of his experience in artist development, artist advocacy, talent bookings, concert production and charitable fundraising it’s no wonder that his expertise covers a broad spectrum of entertainment events.

His long stay at the Red Onion matched his talent at content production of promotional videos and radio ads and so when the Red Onion closed in 1993 Harvey was already primed to focus KBH as a certified bonded talent agency. Supplying A-list talents like Smokey Robinson, Kenny Loggins, Earth Wind and Fire and David Foster for over 27 years ain’t a bad line of work especially when you’re good at it. Because of this skill the KBH Agency is the chosen talent curator for the City of Los Angeles Notable Charitable fundraisers, film festivals and other private event organizers make good use of Harvey’s talents. Independent artist is a favorite group for the entertainment business mogul as his HMMA Awards provide those not yet connected an opportunity to mix and mingle with some of Hollywood’s elite and most celebrated names in the industry. Harvey makes it his personal business to see that there is work and recognition given to emergers by creating a variety of situations for artist exposure and for them to be seen and heard by the right group of movers and shakers. His integrity and moral code of conduct in business as well as in his personal life are impeccable.
Brent Harvey has the brains and the talent to keep all balls rolling simultaneously and in the right direction. The HMMA Awards meaning Hollywood Music in Media Awards is a one of a kind offering honorable recognition to original music (song and score) in all visual media internationally not excluding film, TV, video games, trailers, commercial advertisements, documentaries, and special programs.
Held annually in November, HMMA is presented as a solid indicator of the music categories and all major award shows and is the flagship of KBH Entertainment.
For more information on KBH Entertainment , Brent Harvey and the HMMA Awards please go to, https://www.hmmawards,com/faq,