Ensele Wellness and Healing Center with its prime location here in Calabasas California is more than your average line-up. Step in and get your medicine, Ensele is a wellness center. Let’s say it again, a W-E-L-L-N-E-S-S center. Wellness is key at the center says owner, founder and Wellness consultant Seline Kepila who opened the doors of the center with one intention, and that was to heal. Established for over 20 years using advanced technologies and modalities of Quantum physics. Light, sound, frequency and energy. The Ensele healing center provides a complete bio scan of the entire internal body’s DNA and uniquely structured gene pool. By thoroughly cleansing the lymphatic system drawing to the surface and then removing any existing pathogens bacteria and fungi they cleanse the physical and internal body of the person from the inside out providing a multitude of benefits to the body and mind. Besides making use of advanced forms of technology used hundreds of years ago, Ensele takes pride in using additional technologies like that of Dr. Royal Rife who not only invented the magnifying glass created a device focused sound, energy and light sending them directly into the individuals physical body. The Covid-19 pandemic proved to be the most challenging because the center had to come up with a way to continue helping clientele to heal with or without a physical person being there. The idea of partnering with those who use the center became the central focus and after closing their NY and Dallas offices what was once an idea soon became reality. With an ongoing staff of gifted healers comprising reiki masters, wholistic consultants and experts in the fields of homeopathy. naturopathy and organic healing Ensele is home to many testimonials of wellness experiences. The center has no issues with healing persons at age-70 or age-20 and is not afraid to address any unhealthy condition a person might have. The center treats both animals and people making it a secure and healthy choice of wellness for the entire family. For more information Google www. ensele.com.