Violinist Supreme Grauman Fellow Artem Kolesov People’s Project Shines at Wallis Annenberg

2 years ago ABOUT THE 2022/23 GRAUMAN FELLOW​​​​​​​Artem Diaz Kolesov Fominyx is a performing artist from Maloyaroslavetz, Russia. Described by Chicago Tribune as “a…

Rachel Song Mrs. China Select for Mrs. Asia USA 2023 and More

2 years ago Rachel Song isn't just another Asian girl that landed in a busy hub of Canada she is that girl,…

Women’s History Month Celebrating the Incomparable Barbara Collin CEO Collin Artists

2 years ago When I met Barbara we were both filled with excitement and the idea of working with talent. Barbara went…

The Ivan Gallery Celebrates Black History Month /Valentines Day and the Visual Artworks of Martino Dorce

2 years ago We've all heard the saying which describes a cloud lined with what appears to be a silver when in…

Joya Delaney Beverly Hills Shaman Healer and Truth Sayer

2 years ago When truth is told, it stands out and reveals all of what is. Joya Delaney is such a truth.…

Lacey Turner is a G-Souldier and St. Louis Never Had It So Good

2 years ago Ya know sometimes things are as they are with reason. Lacey Turner a G-Souldier G for the God in…

Designer Berny Martin Says Fashion is More then Color & Style It’s a Way of Life

2 years ago When did Fashion become bigger than the down under, out voted, rebellious and latest oddities in the news or…

Thuliso Dingwall a Bright and Budding Artist Out From the Wire

2 years ago If you've watched the televised police drama the WIRE and looked at the big wide eyes of the character…

HMMA Founder Executive Producer Brent Harvey is Bold Bad and Judiciously Creative

2 years ago HMMA’s Founder and Executive Producer Brent Harvey takes pride in his experience of 40 decades in the industry. Harvey…

Shangri La Ranch Resort a Fresh New Look at Communal Living

2 years ago Shangri La Ranch a clothing optional ranch and resort in rural New River Arizona, opened originally in 1959 by…