stones in the color of rare

EMMY AWARD WINNER GRAMMY NOMINATED WRITER, AUTHOR, AND PERFORMER GEOFFREY MARK Upon Meeting Emmy Award Winner and Grammy Nominated Writer, Author, Performer, radio and television host, producer, and director, Geoffrey…

2 weeks ago

A Man With Vision Pulitzer-Prize winner Dan Luzadder Talks The History of Real News Dan Luzadder has a deep passion and great vision for the plight of future writers, authors, journalists, and investigative…

1 month ago

RICO NO SUAVE and OSIRIS MUNIR 15 MINUTES TALK THE OLD DAYS NOW and THEN It's about damn time that some real natural fire hits the internet. Rico No Suave of the Rico No…

2 months ago

ACCLAIMED DIRECTOR GREGG T. DANIEL SHARES EXPERIENCES OF THEATER LIFE and AUGUST WILSON’S THE PIANO LESSON Director Gregg. T. Daniel has a multi-talent career as an actor, writer, and director. With award-winning productions such as…

2 months ago

NEW PLATFORM NEW LOOK, NEW LIFE LA Talk Radio is a thriving, inventive, original, and fresh radio station run by dozens of hosts with an…

2 months ago

MUSICIAN and VISUAL ARTIST RICK OHRN TALKS LIFE, MUSIC and HIS JOURNEY THROUGH a DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL You know, sometimes we meet fantastic and magical people, musician and visual artist Rick Ohrn is one such person.…

4 months ago

The Hollywood Museum Celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the Three Stooges One hundred years is a long time to be around and walk this beautiful planet we’ve come to know…

7 months ago

OSCARS 2024 The Oscars are always an interesting event, bringing people of all walks of life, races, creeds, and cultures from…

10 months ago

DR. SAMELLA LEWIS an ARTIST and EDUCATOR AHEAD OF HER TIME and RIGHT ON TIME A few years ago, I had the pleasure of watching a YouTube documentary on black art and the lack…

10 months ago

Award-Winning Actor Cody Carrera Scoops on How It Feels to Be A Multi-Talent

Cody Carrera award-winning actor, singer, songwriter, director.

1 year ago

ARTIST CURATOR BIBIANA HUANG CHIMES IN ON ABSTRACT ART and WHY WOMEN IN ARTS ARE IMPORTANT Bibiana Huang is a lot of things. artist, curator, fine arts photographer, and founder of the Inspiration Art Group.…

1 year ago

Co-Chair David Oyelowo Inspires and Educates at the 2023 GEANCO Hollywood Gala

1 year ago

2023 BALLOT EMMY NOMINATED SHORT-FORM COMEDY DRAMA SERIES PEPITO’S AMERICA IS CARLOS MORENO JR’s FINEST Writer, actor, producer, director, and all-e-ter, Carlos Moreno Jr. has a creative legacy that runs so deep that as…

1 year ago

Actress Producer Screenwriter Director, Jacqueline Murphy Shares How She Caught the Directors Bug and Talks the 2023 FYC Ballot for Emmy-Nominated Pepito’s America Bug There is an old saying that says that angels walk amongst us here on Earth, well in this case…

2 years ago

Violinist Supreme Grauman Fellow Artem Kolesov People’s Project Shines at Wallis Annenberg ABOUT THE 2022/23 GRAUMAN FELLOW​​​​​​​Artem Diaz Kolesov Fominyx is a performing artist from Maloyaroslavetz, Russia. Described by Chicago Tribune as “a…

2 years ago

Rachel Song Mrs. China Select for Mrs. Asia USA 2023 and More Rachel Song isn't just another Asian girl that landed in a busy hub of Canada she is that girl,…

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Women’s History Month Celebrating the Incomparable Barbara Collin CEO Collin Artists When I met Barbara we were both filled with excitement and the idea of working with talent. Barbara went…

2 years ago

The Ivan Gallery Celebrates Black History Month /Valentines Day and the Visual Artworks of Martino Dorce We've all heard the saying which describes a cloud lined with what appears to be a silver when in…

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Joya Delaney Beverly Hills Shaman Healer and Truth Sayer When truth is told, it stands out and reveals all of what is. Joya Delaney is such a truth.…

2 years ago

Lacey Turner is a G-Souldier and St. Louis Never Had It So Good Ya know sometimes things are as they are with reason. Lacey Turner a G-Souldier G for the God in…

2 years ago

Designer Berny Martin Says Fashion is More then Color & Style It’s a Way of Life When did Fashion become bigger than the down under, out voted, rebellious and latest oddities in the news or…

2 years ago

Thuliso Dingwall a Bright and Budding Artist Out From the Wire If you've watched the televised police drama the WIRE and looked at the big wide eyes of the character…

2 years ago

HMMA Founder Executive Producer Brent Harvey is Bold Bad and Judiciously Creative HMMA’s Founder and Executive Producer Brent Harvey takes pride in his experience of 40 decades in the industry. Harvey…

2 years ago

Shangri La Ranch Resort a Fresh New Look at Communal Living Shangri La Ranch a clothing optional ranch and resort in rural New River Arizona, opened originally in 1959 by…

2 years ago