Eve Ensler, creator of V-Day and author of Vagina Monologues, sponsored the violence against women and girls evening. The One Billion Rising event was the first of its kind held in the San Fernando Valley. It is the biggest mass action in history. Activities in 169 countries including Albania, Benin, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Guyana and Jamaica supported the event on the same day. The campaign’s action focused movement is based on devastating statistics discovered in the UN that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during a lifetime. The world’s population is at 7 billion and that adds up to more than One Billion Women and girls. To date, V-Day has raised over $100 million and educated millions globally about the devastating statistics shown about violence against
www.vday.org. and www.onebillionrising.org
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