Ok, so although there may not be an immediate threat of a robot takeover as in the case of, Will Smith’s, I Robot’s, Vicki, who refuses a directive from her maker. Afterwards masses of old and yet to be booted up robot models, flash a not so co-operative pulsating red light, that emanates from the center of their foreheads and proceed to launch an attack on all humans, thereby taking over the entire city.
Hiroshi Ishiguro and Yoshio Matsumoto both of, Japan and who had the chance to show proof of androids entrance into the modern social media based society were a part of the USC Creative Technology Department interactive
As, Yoshio and Hiroshi, pave the way for dramatic
On the subject of the use and overuse of androids when it comes to dating and human relations, these androids not to be confused with mobile androids and have nothing to do with online dating applications or dating essentials. As, Hiroshi and Yoshio, prepared for their interactive panel they wanted us to know that their androids were made to support and live in harmony with humans and their interest is in understanding and learning about other cultures namely that of the United States to advance humanity.
We had a chance to meet, Meccano, a robotic ham for the camera and built by, USC’s Institute of Creative Technologies Department, Tyson Gaskell. Meccano, made a few hip-hop moves and told us a potato joke.
If ever there was proof that aliens do exist then androids are certainly at the top of the list and that cute guy, girl or other sitting next to you at the local, Starbuck’s could very well be a synthetic human all dressed up in your mom’s clothing.
For more information on USC’s Institute of Creative Technologies go to: ict.usc.edu
Yoshio Matsumoto: https://sites.google.com/site/yoshiomatsumotorobotics/
Hiroshi Ishiguro: www.geminoid.jp
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