January 12, 2025If there are truly awards for those who put their life on the line for their beliefs, then let me introduce you to one such person. Susie Singer-Carter is the director, producer, filmmaker, and advocate for the documentary, “No Country for Old People.”. Her shoes are big and even bigger to fill. Former federal and state prosecutor Rick Mountcastle is wise in joining forces with Carter. As boomers reach a ripe old age Gen X, Gen Z, and others take their place in the spiritual essence of why this is all happening and why am I here? The subject of health care and wellness may soon burn into our consciousness as we age. The concept of taking care of our elderly should be expected and categorized as an antonym of mercy. In the words of Roslyn Carter, there are 4 kinds of people in the world. “Those that have been caregivers. Those who are caregivers. Those who will be caregivers. Those who will need caregiving.” No Country for Old People chronicles the last six months of a mother’s life in a five-star nursing facility and discovers that the system that we have all come to lean on with such fervor is a non-supportive entity designed to be the opposite. 75% of the nursing homes had inadequate staffing. The homes were underfunded, while owners were living in $11,000,000 homes. Nursing homes and death and dying are big business. “No Country for Old People” is an in-depth look into a system that has been corrupt for so long that it seems as if that’s a normal way for it to be and that it should never change. No one seems to understand that without the proper mindset and support systems that are needed, that system will eventually crumble. A foundation built on greed, lies, and manipulation without the proper support cannot stand. Unlike the times that we cry out and make a stance about the unjust things done in the name of God and humanity, the Oscar-acclaimed” No Country for Old People” clearly addresses the issue of not just the lack of human care missing from the health care but the fat cats fill their fat pockets and gaining all the more. Suzie’s journey began when her mother had to be admitted into a five-star nursing facility and the systemic crisis that puts profit over people was realized when Susie realized that her mom was being treated poorly and not with the dignity that she or anyone else deserved. The strong lobby that funds political campaigns and the status quo. They are embedded in the legislature, and that makes it difficult to establish real policy change. We constituents have more power than we know. It’s time that these things change. For more information on “No Country for Old People” and Susie Singer-Carter reference, see https:/vimeo.com/967448185?share=share, www.anthemawards.com, and www.facebook.com/anthemawards. Instagram: @anthemawards Kcalnews.com/seen on TV..